Hello! I used a previous version of Nextstrain a year or two ago – now, I am unable to run the same files. I am getting the same error as I do when I follow the ncov tutorial. I’ve tried changing the version to V10 and V11 and I have a rule align issue as well, just a slightly different error message. I am running: nextstrain build . --configfile my_profiles/builds_rep1.yaml. I’ve changed this line a few times and the reference links. Have been troubleshooting for half the day so far.
Thank you so much for your help!
My yaml is below:
- name: “georgia”
metadata: “data/delta_highcoverage.tsv”
sequences: “data/weighted_sub_rep1.fasta” - name: “worldwide”
metadata: “data/contextual_metadata_ph.tsv”
sequences: “data/contextual_sequences.fasta” - name: reference_data
metadata: https://data.nextstrain.org/files/ncov/open/reference/metadata.tsv.xz
sequences: https://data.nextstrain.org/files/ncov/open/reference/sequences.fasta.xz
subsampling_scheme: georgia_scheme
country: USA
division: Georgia
auspice_config: ncov-tutorial/auspice-config-custom-data.json
query: --query “location != ‘OOS’”
group_by: “region year week”
max_sequences: 5000 #needs group_by to work
query: --query “location == ‘OOS’”
type: “proximity”
focus: “focal”
georgia: ###build name
sampling_bias_correction: 2.5
columns: [“division”] ###traits to reconstruct, must match column names in metadata
My error is here:
Error in rule align:
jobid: 12
input: data/contextual_sequences.fasta, defaults/annotation.gff, defaults/reference_seq.fasta
output: results/aligned_worldwide.fasta.xz
log: logs/align_worldwide.txt (check log file(s) for error details)
conda-env: /home/gev25289/ncov/.snakemake/conda/22ec1a01f6d53102475e14a528cf67cd_
python3 scripts/sanitize_sequences.py \
--sequences data/contextual_sequences.fasta \
--strip-prefixes hCoV-19/ SARS-CoV-2/ \
--output /dev/stdout 2> logs/sanitize_sequences_worldwide.txt \
| nextclade run \
--jobs=8 \
--input-ref defaults/reference_seq.fasta \
--input-annotation defaults/annotation.gff \
--output-fasta results/aligned_worldwide.fasta > logs/align_worldwide.txt 2>&1;
xz -2 -T 8 results/aligned_worldwide.fasta;
(one of the commands exited with non-zero exit code; note that snakemake uses bash strict mode!)
My error in the logs file is here:
error: Found argument ‘–input-annotation’ which wasn’t expected, or isn’t valid in this context
Did you mean '--input-dataset'?
If you tried to supply `--input-annotation` as a value rather than a flag, use `-- --input-annotation`
nextclade run --jobs --input-ref <INPUT_REF> --input-dataset <INPUT_DATASET>
For more information try --help