I’ve been trying to use the --existing-alignment subcommand in augur align. With smaller previous alignments the command works and the build run smoothly (less than 100 total genomes), but when I use larger previous alignments I get the following error:
Error during alignment
[Wed Jul 22 17:36:11 2020]
Error in rule align:
jobid: 10
output: results/aligned.fasta
augur align --existing-alignment config/aligned.fasta --sequences results/filtered.fasta --reference-sequence config/reference.gb --output results/aligned.fasta --remove-reference --fill-gaps
(one of the commands exited with non-zero exit code; note that snakemake uses bash strict mode!)
Removing output files of failed job align since they might be corrupted:
Shutting down, this might take some time.
Exiting because a job execution failed. Look above for error message.
It’s worth noting that the build will run without error if I remove the ‘–existing-alignment’ line in the snakefile. Has anyone run into this issue before?
I don’t know if it makes a difference, but what version of Augur are you using? augur --version will report it if you’re running Augur inside Conda. If you’re using the Nextstrain CLI, nextstrain version --verbose will report it.
So far the only way I can reproduce the error you’re seeing and Mafft’s “Check results/aligned.fasta.to_align.fasta” message is by setting up inputs such that there’s nothing new to align.
I’m not sure if you found a solution for this issue, but I often get that error when the sequences in aligned.fasta match exactly the content in filtered.fasta.
The solution: try removing one of the sequences in aligned.fasta. MAFFT will only realign that extra sequence, and move on.