Thanks for getting in touch here. Good digging, I’m not sure the PR is ever going to get merged - there’s a good chance we’ll simplify how we produce SARS-CoV-2 trees in the future - the current workflow is rather complicated.
In general, the easiest might be to fork and make the changes you’d want directly in the code base.
Looking at this particular question of tree builder args I see two options:
I had tried to modify both the default.yaml and the main workflow file but still got the same error (“conflict with hardcoded defaults”), so I wonder where the value ‘-ninit 10 -n 4’ is hardcoded?
I think the way to specify substitution model is via --substitution-model as opposed to default args:
augur tree -h
usage: augur tree [-h] --alignment ALIGNMENT [--method {fasttree,raxml,iqtree}] [--output OUTPUT] [--substitution-model SUBSTITUTION_MODEL]
[--nthreads NTHREADS] [--vcf-reference VCF_REFERENCE] [--exclude-sites EXCLUDE_SITES] [--tree-builder-args TREE_BUILDER_ARGS]
Build a tree using a variety of methods.
--substitution-model SUBSTITUTION_MODEL
substitution model to use. Specify 'auto' to run ModelTest. Currently, only available for IQ-TREE. (default: GTR)