I’m trying to change the interval how frequencies are shown in the frequency panels, but by reading the documentation, I’m not sure what parameter does that. I tried editing pivot_interval and narrow_bandwidth, but nothing changed.
After updating augur, I tried to set --pivot-interval-units = weeks, but that led to this error message:
If you are already using this rule in your workflow, you can override the default frequencies parameters by defining your own values in your builds.yaml config file.
Since Augur does not recognize the --pivot-interval-units argument, my best guess is that the version of Augur is still too old somehow even after you updated. When you run augur --version, what version do you get?
Also, are you managing your Augur installation through a Conda environment outside of Snakemake or with Snakemake’s --use-conda flag? Or do you manage Augur with pip? (There are honestly too many ways to install Augur right now. )