I was trying to install Augur and Auspice using coda following this link: Installing Nextstrain — Nextstrain documentation. While when I was checking the status, I got some un-expected responses from the terminal as the following.
(nextstrain) Amandas-MacBook-Pro:~ amanda$ auspice -h
-bash: auspice: command not found
(nextstrain) Amandas-MacBook-Pro:~ amanda$ nextstrain check-setup --set-default
nextstrain-cli is up to date!
Testing your setup…
# docker is not supported
✘ no: docker is installed
✘ no: docker run works
? unknown: containers have access to >2 GiB of memory
yes: image is new enough for this CLI version
# native is not supported
yes: snakemake is installed
yes: augur is installed
✘ no: auspice is installed
# aws-batch is not supported
✘ no: job description “nextstrain-job” exists
✘ no: job queue “nextstrain-job-queue” exists
✘ no: S3 bucket “nextstrain-jobs” exists
No good. No support for any Nextstrain environment.
Could anyone please clarify a bit? Any comments are greatly appreciated.