What is the meaning of the term "event" in the diversity data

I just joined this community and actually have a question. My interest is in the number that is termed “event”

I am interested in comparing the presence and absence of mutations at certain locations in the genome and want to use your database to do so. Let us just say that the locations I am interested in are nt 222, nt 224 and nt 23403.

I have selected the events and the nt in the diversity panel on your website (https://nextstrain.org/ncov/global) and downloaded the genetic diversity data (TSV). That file gives the locations and a number called “event” for each location.

For example in today’s data set the event numbers for
222 is 11
224 in not mentioned, which I then would understand that at that location there were no mutations ever reported.
23403 is 7.

Since 23403 is a very frequent mutation site, the “event” number is not simply the frequency of mutations at that location. Would you please explain what the number “event” means, or if there is an article that I should read which explains it, I would appreciate your kindness to point me to the right direction. Similarly, if a location is not listed in the diversity data (TSV), would that mean that there is no mutations reported in your database for that location?

In case you would rather answer me privately my email is aberki@caldwell.edu

I look forward to your kind reply!

With my best regards!

I’m archiving this as it’s a duplicate of What is entropy in the https://nextstrain.org/ncov/global link? – please see the answer to this question there :slight_smile: