we already successfully loaded other annotation files into our nextstrain build (for chromosome and also one plasmid). While trying to get another plasmid annotated, we ran into the error given below. Also googling it did not yield any solutions. Both files seem to have the same construction in our eye (we got both annotation files from NCBI). See pXO2 which worked and pXO1 which did not work.
Hi @NyxMoiren. Could you send the node data JSON file(s) you’re using and the exact commands you’re running when you encounter that error?
The “failed additionalProperties validation for false” error is unfortunately not self-explanatory, but it means that in the node data JSON there is an unexpected field.
Hi trs!
We already got the solution. We found out that the gff3 file from NCBI contains a . as a seperator between gene names (e.q. GBAA_1056.1). We have seen in some other posts that . is not supported and just edited it in _ and got it running.