My build stops at the iqtree stage with the message: “ERROR: Some sequences (see above) are problematic, please check your alignment again”
Job 3: Building tree
Reason: Missing output files: nextstrain_results/tree_raw.nwk; Input files updated by another job: nextstrain_results/aligned.fasta
augur tree --alignment nextstrain_results/aligned.fasta --output nextstrain_results/tree_raw.nwk --method iqtree --override-default-args --substitution-model auto --nthreads 10 --tree-builder-args "-B 1000"
Building a tree via:
iqtree -ntmax 10 -s nextstrain_results/aligned-delim.fasta -B 1000 > nextstrain_results/aligned-delim.iqtree.log
Nguyen et al: IQ-TREE: A fast and effective stochastic algorithm for estimating maximum likelihood phylogenies.
Mol. Biol. Evol., 32:268-274. https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msu300
Conducting a model test... see 'nextstrain_results/aligned-delim.iqtree.log' for the result. You can specify this with --substitution-model in future runs.
ERROR: Shell exited 2 when running: iqtree -ntmax 10 -s nextstrain_results/aligned-delim.fasta -B 1000 > nextstrain_results/aligned-delim.iqtree.log
Command output was:
ERROR: Some sequences (see above) are problematic, please check your alignment again
ERROR: Command '['/bin/bash', '-c', 'set -euo pipefail; iqtree -ntmax 10 -s nextstrain_results/aligned-delim.fasta -B 1000 > nextstrain_results/aligned-delim.iqtree.log']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
Please see the log file for more details: nextstrain_results/aligned-delim.iqtree.log
Building original tree took 0.20879316329956055 seconds
There are many warnings the alignment step. For example:
WARNING: this insertion was caused due to 'N's or '?'s in provided sequences
But the sequences passed all filtering and processing steps earlier. Do I need to manually inspect the sequence, or how can I avoid this error?