Expanding on this discussion post in a broader context:
It is possible to add the (display) “Second Tree” dropdown menu for builds in nextstrain groups (both public and private)? This was brought up in nextstrain office hours today and @joverlee mentioned that this feature may not be available for groups yet. I had to leave the call so posting here for feedback and potential solutions!
Within our Nextstrain group, we currently have seasonal influenza builds for h1n1, h3n2, and vic (B/Victoria) with all 8 segments with the following url structure:
- https://nextstrain.org/groups/PekoszLab-Public/{subtype}/{segment}
- Each subtype build URL only differs by segment e.g:
Using the Displaying multiple tree’s url logic as defined in the auspice documentation, we can visualize tanglegrams beutifully with no issue.
However, the addition of the “Second Tree” dropdown menu would enhance the viewing experience for our users. My questions are:
- Is the “Second Tree” dropdown option available for Nextstrain Groups (both Private and Public)
- Is our current build URL structure correct for
getAvailible API request
Server API — Auspice documentation in the event that it is possible?
Thanks in advance!