New clade/lineage/sublineage criteria for mpox

Hi everyone,

I would like to know what criteria are used in Nextstrain to define a new clade, lineage, or sublineage for mpox. I reviewed the literature and documentation and found some information for SARS-CoV-2 (example below), but not for mpox. Thank you in advance!

Best regards,

Hi Pedro,

The lineages used by are the ones curated in the mpxv-lineages/lineage-designation GitHub repository. From the README:

Currently, we aim to designate a new lineage if it

  • has spread internationally
  • has at least 1 mutation above its parent
  • contains at least 15 sequences or plausibly represents undersampled diversity
  • has a clear common phylogenetic structure (no uncertainty about possibly being designated as 2 lineages instead of 1)
  • has at least one freely available high quality reference sequence (high quality meaning that it doesn’t show unusually large numbers of frame shifts and/or stop codons)

I hope this helps!

– Victor

Hi Pedro,

in addition to Victor’s answer below, I want to point out that these criteria being adapted to the changing viral diversity and public health needs. While the criteria have not been formally revised, current practice deviates a bit from these initial criteria.

Clade I and clade II, with clade II further split into IIa and IIb, were proposed in Urgent need for a non-discriminatory and non-stigmatizing nomenclature for monkeypox virus. That paper proposed the name “hMPXV1” for the clade IIb outbreak that went global in 2022 but had probably been transmitting in humans since 2016 (

The lineages in GitHub - mpxv-lineages/lineage-designation: Official place for proposals and details around monkeypox virus lineage designations are specifically for hMPXV1, the clade IIb outbreak.

More recently, with the sequencing of highly diverged clade I sequences, clade I was split into Ia and Ib. Clade I mpox virus genomic diversity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2018–2024: Predominance of zoonotic transmission - ScienceDirect I’m not aware of a lineage system analogous to mpxv-lineages/lineage-designation for clade Ia or Ib so far, but that paper refers to Groups I-V within Ia.