My first time trying nextclade, I’m using windows.
I ran the dataset get ok and have some files in my data subdir.
Downloaded some sequences in .fasta into my input subdir. I think I’m all set.
Here’s my command line:
nextclade --input-dataset data\sars-cov-2 --output-tsv=output\AUS-2022-07-12.tsv input\AUS-2022-07-12.fasta
But when I tried a run I get this error:
Found argument ‘–input-dataset’ which wasn’t expected, or isn’t valid in this context
Some quirk in the cli syntax for windows?
Hi @mike_honey,
Since version 2.0.0, Nextclade CLI requires a subcommand to be specified (which was optional in versions 1.x.x). In your case it would be run
nextclade run --input-dataset data\sars-cov-2 --output-tsv=output\AUS-2022-07-12.tsv input\AUS-2022-07-12.fasta
There was a defect in the documentation, which will be fixed soon. We are also thinking on improving the error message. Right now it’s not very informative.
You can use nextclade --help
and similarly, for subcommands nextclade run --help
, to obtain the most up to date information on Nextclade arguments.
On Windows, you might or might not need to add .exe
extension, .i.e. nextclade.exe
Windows is the least used platform and we don’t have much feedback from Windows users so far, so any output is valuable. Thank you!
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Thanks Ivan - that worked perfectly!