One of the European countries build is dating the root in 1961

Hi, thanks for your great work, the root in the Italy build is in 1961

same for Lithuania and Luxembourg, but the France tree is ok.

By the way about the French tree, is it definitive that you’ll include only 1/3 of the sequences ? The tree with 2400 French sequences from one month ago looked good to me. And the 3 labs producing the French sequences didn’t communicate an alternative server.

Thanks for pointing this out. This was one misdated sequence (1961) that slipped through and forced to root that far back. Should be all fixed now.

Regarding the subsampling. We changed this a while ago and now use at most 1500 sequences from one country and around 1500 from Europe and the rest of the world to provide context. We could run bigger builds, but they would take longer and the website wouldn’t be as responsive. But we could increase these number a bit if necessary.
