Hi, I’m just starting out with this programme, and I’m trying to create a pathogen workflow step-by-step as for the zika tutorial, but with my own data. I had a few initial problems with viewing the tree and receiving an error saying “Failed to fetch frequencies”. However, after fixing these issues I don’t get a tree, only a single node in the bottom-left hand corner.
Has anyone else encountered this issue? And how should I go forwards in solving this?
Hi @jmenadue, welcome! Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with Auspice. If they don’t contain private information, could you share your dataset JSON(s) so we can troubleshoot? You should be able to upload them here. Sharing more details about how you generated the JSONs (your Snakefile, input data, Augur commands, etc) would also be useful. Without the actual files or more details about them, it’s hard to say what might be wrong.
Note that I did not use the augur filter command because I filtered the data to a specific place (Paris) and time on GISAID, and so I felt I didn’t need to use this. This dataset is also just a practice one with ~100 sequences, so I can understand the codes and get it right for the real data for my Master’s project.
The “single node in the corner” symptom had me thinking your exported JSON was lacking branch lengths (divergence or dates) or all lengths were zero/identical or something similar. Indeed, there are no branch length attributes (e.g. div in any node_attrs) in the exported JSON you shared. But, your commands showed that you are generating those with augur refine and passing the results/branch_lengths.json file into augur export v2.
So what’s going wrong? Well, it turns out that while the --node-data option can take one or more filenames as values, like so: