I have made a few custom local builds (for the samples we have in Hawaii) using the latest commit of
nextstrain/ncov because of the wonderful frequencies panel that I wanted to add to our builds.
I managed to get a nice build, but there’s something that’s not working - the map panel doesn’t get the geo features from mapbox, it only shows the demes circles and transmission lines (the overlay):
If I look in the browser console, I see the reason - there are a lot of calls to api.mapbox.com that return 403:Forbidden -(I tried to upload the screenshot, but I’m only allowed one upload as new poster)
It’s as if I’m using the wrong token or I don’t have one.
The API calls look actually like this:
which suggests to me that I’m trying to use a token that was generated for trvrb (Trevor Bedford?)
I was wonder if anybody could offer a hint of what I’m doing wrong or where I should look to debug this problem.
My build is very basic, but I can post it on github if more details are needed.
I’m using Auspice v2.23.0 to show it.
Thank you!