I lost the tip labels (derived from the FASTA file headers) on my phylogenetic tree, but they are still visible when I hover my mouse pointer over the tips. Could you please suggest how to fix this?
Hello @Kritchy,
Can you provide a screenshot to show what you mean by the tip labels are lost?
My guess is that you now have a tree with more samples so the tip labels are automatically hidden. Auspice currently has a cutoff of 75 displayed samples for showing the tip labels because the labels become inscrutable when there are too many samples.
Using the Nextstrain zika tree as an example, zooming into one the branches will display the tip labels again.
There’s an ongoing conversation in Sidebar toggle to show labels for all tips in tree · Issue #916 · nextstrain/auspice · GitHub for allowing users to toggle on all tip labels regardless of number of samples, but this work has not been prioritized.
Thank you very much for your answer and kind response. I understand. I saw a tooltip on my graph indicating that it represents samples with fewer than 75 sequences. My snapshot is similar to your picture, and I have hundreds to thousands of sequences on the graph.