Need help in composing description file


Thank you for all the Nextstrain tutorials and examples provided.
Our team successfully generate a map for following the local outbreak.

And now we would like to add more information to our map by starting with the description part.
I tried to follow instruction for for my

Acknowlegement to data pre-processing and open-source tools from [nextstrain]( ([augur](, [auspice](, and [ncov workflow](

## Highlight
Text content here

## Background
text content here

### Subtitle 
text content here

### Subtitle 
text content here

#### Link Chart of Epidemiological Associations

![Link Chart of Epidemiological Associations](
![Link to local case connection](

The heading format works properly but the picutre and webpage cannot be displayed as expected.

And run the analysis with our data

May I ask can I embed another webpage in the description section?
Is there instruction documents that I can follow to modify the description file?

Thank you very much in advance!

Hi @tf-ivan. The Markdown syntax used by Nextstrain narratives supports embedding images but not web pages. For referencing web pages, I would suggest linking not embedding.

The syntax you’re using for both is the image syntax ![title](image-url):

![Link Chart of Epidemiological Associations](
![Link to local case connection](

This differs from link syntax only in the leading !.

The reason your example doesn’t work for the first URL is that the URL is for the image’s webpage on GitHub, not the image file itself. Try this, which uses the image file URL copied from the “download” button on that GitHub page:

![Chart of Epidemiological Associations](
[Link to local case connection](

Thank you very much for your help!
The problem has been untangled and it works as expected. :pray:

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