Some African Countries (Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone) Build failed

Current Behavior

I would like to run a build for some specific African countries. So I firstly try to run your builds before modifying the YAML file. Because interested in CAMES (African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education), I checked out the build of countries belonging to this organisation, but some are actually missing. I have also check out the build of western africa and noticed that auspice was not able to select those countries (Burkina Faso and Sierra Leone for instance). This behaviour was noticed on the local run and also on

How to reproduce

Steps to reproduce the current behavior.

Your environment: if browsing Nextstrain online

  • Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Browser: firefox

Your environment: if running Nextstrain locally

  • Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Browser: firefox
  • Version: auspice 2.41

This post unfortunately got caught in the forum’s spam filters for a few days. I just released it now, but note that in the meantime we helped resolve the issue over at Some African Countries (Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone) Build failed · Issue #5 · nextstrain/ncov-africa-cdc · GitHub (where it was first reported).

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Thank you so much for approving my post. As you said above, the issue was solved. I’m grateful to the whole team and great job you guys keep doing with the nextstrain platform.

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